How Much Does Therapy Cost in Ontario?

Published April 4th, 2024

4 min read


Therapy can cost more than $250 per session, but many quality affordable options are also available in Ontario.


Written by Simon Spichak


Even though younger Canadians are developing mental health issues at higher rates, as many as three in four youth are unable to access the mental health support that they need. One of the barriers to care is the cost of therapy — some practitioners can charge more than $250 per session. However, more affordable options are also available.

The cost of therapy in Ontario

The cost of therapy depends on the experience and qualifications of an individual mental health care practitioner.

How much do therapists and social workers charge?

Therapists and social workers can provide therapy at a much lower cost than other mental health professionals. While they cannot diagnose or prescribe medications, they are trained to help people learn to manage their mental health and improve their executive function skills.

Most therapists charge between $150 and $250 per session, depending on their experience. Therapists in training provide services for less, while others offer discounted services or a sliding scale to help clients who cannot afford the full price.

How much do psychologists charge?

Psychologists are mental health professionals who can diagnose and treat many different mental illnesses but cannot prescribe psychiatric medications.

The Ontario Psychological Association recommends that practitioners charge about $225 per hour. Some low-cost providers may offer sessions for $150 per hour while others may charge upward of $300 or even higher depending on their qualifications.

How much do psychiatrists charge?

Psychiatrists are free to see, and the cost of care is covered by OHIP. They can provide a diagnosis, administer therapy, and treat various mental health conditions. However, there is often a several-month wait time to see a psychiatrist.

How do I tell a therapist is right for me?

There is no one-size-fits-all for therapists, and it can be challenging to find the right fit. Here are some tips.

The initial consultation, often free, acts like a short meet-and-greet between the patient and the therapist. Here are some questions you might want to ask to help you assess whether they’re a fit for you:

  • Have you treated others with the same problems or issues as me?

  • How do I know that the therapy is working?

  • What does a typical session with you look like?

  • How often will we need to meet?

  • What are your strengths and weaknesses as a therapist?

  • What is your overall philosophy when it comes to therapy?

Afterward, the therapist can help you identify and set realistic goals for your time in therapy. Kim Rau, a therapist with Resolvve, adds that it’s important for the therapist to provide a welcoming environment.

“You should find your therapist easy to talk to, feel heard, understood, and never judged,” Rau says. “Although it may feel awkward at first to talk to someone you don't know, this trust and rapport will continue to build over time.”

Low-cost therapy in Ontario

You can search various online databases to find affordable mental health practitioners.

Some places to look:

Of course, you can also book a consultation with one of our psychotherapists at Resolvve.

We offer discounted services between $100 and $130 per session with a therapist or social worker and $30 per session with a student therapist. We also help students understand their insurance policies and their coverage. In many cases, a college or university student insurance plan could cover the entire cost of a therapy session.

Please note that this post is written for educational purposes; it is not therapy. If you need to talk to a professional, please book a consultation with a psychotherapist through Resolvve.